Monday, October 4, 2010

MARS Rocket Launch - 10-2-10

I attended the October sport launch of the MARS rocket club in Geneseo NY and launched Positive Ascent for its 5th flight. This time the motor was a Cesaroni L1030 Red Lightning motor, with a total impulse of 2788 Newton-seconds. It was a nice flight to 3955 feet, and landed only a few hundred feet away. Thanks to Nick F.P. for taking the excellent pictures of the launch and recovery.

 Mach diamonds

Mach diamonds close-up

Drogue recovery, about 1500 feet up still
Main recovery gear perfectly deployed

Just before booster touchdown


  1. Whats F.P stand for??????

    and whats a mach?

    how expensive are the diamonds and how can i make you write/record an online video tutorial on how to make them that i will immediately grow bored of and never actually use?

    where do you keep your positive ascent rocket when you''re'' not using it?

  2. Brian, I think I may be able to answer your questions.

    F.P. stands for Farbon Piber.

    A mach is what you get when you cross a scalar with a vector.

    The diamonds that come from this process are pretty much worthless, which is why they are thrown out of rockets with little regard for their safety. It is also why no device has been yet developed to harvest these gems.

    Peter G. Allen will probably never make you that video, unless you somehow make him happy. SONIC?

    "Where" "do" "you" "think" "he" "keeps" "it""?"
