Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Positive Ascent's New Paint Scheme

Well I was caught off guard by how much work it was to re-finish Positive Ascent. It took a total of around 10 hours of sanding just to get through the cleat coat and some of the original paint to provide a decent starting surface. After that, I did several coats of primer on the whole rocket and wood filler on the low spots which meant many more hours of sanding. I would estimate that I spent about 40 hours total on the re-finish.

However, it is finished just before LDRS 31 and I'm fairly happy with how it came out. I went with basically the same color scheme except for True Blue instead of Grass Green. I also made the points on the booster a bit longer.

The first time I painted Positive Ascent, I only had regular masking tape which resulted in sloppy lines. This time I used true fine edge modeler's tape so the masked lines are for the most part much crisper than before.

The camera bay was never fiberglassed which is why it is so uneven compared to the rest of the rocket.

Wood filler in the spirals of the camera bay.

Electronics bay getting its fresh paint.

All primed and the white was just painted. 

Finished without camera bay.

With camera bay.

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