Now that my level 3 is over and the "high" from it is wearing off, I'm eager to plan my next rocketry project. I've decided to try a 2 stage high power rocket, which I've never done before. It will be a complex and expensive project (though not nearly as expensive as my L3 rocket). The rocket's 2 stage configuration will be nearly 10 feet tall. It is a 4 inch diameter and my estimate for its weight without motors is about 12 pounds, even though Rocksim's prediction is 10.6 pounds. The models typically come out heavier than estimated from Rocksim.
Here is the Rocksim drawing of the model:
Here is what the sustainer alone will look like:
Here are the Rocksim performance predictions:
The rocket will require the use of 3 timers, in addition to the usual 2 altimeters for recovery device deployment. The timers I'm planning on using are the Perfectflite MT3G timers. These are switched on using a G switch on liftoff. Then after the programmed time has elapsed, the single output of the timer is initiated.
In the case of the booster, there will be 2 timers. The first will be used to trigger the black powder charge to separate the booster from the sustainer. Then the second timer in the booster will wait a few seconds after the separation charge to fire its output, which will be the boosters parachute charge.
While this is all happening in the booster, the sustainer will be coasting upwards. The 3rd timer is in the sustainer and will be used to ignite the sustainer's motor a second or so after the separation charge. At this point, the sustainer will be functioning as a standard single stage rocket, and the altimeters will handle dual deployment as usual.
At this point, I need to some up with some money to start buying supplies for the components.
That looks really, really cool! I would give you the money if I had it.