I flew Positive Ascent on 8-16-14 with the MARS rocket club in Geneseo, NY. This marked its 19th flight, which is nearly to the 20 flights goal I arbitrarily set for the rocket.
It was a perfect launch and recovery. At only 2085.5 feet (averaged between the two altimeters, which interestingly were only 1 foot apart on their recording), this was the lowest flight it's had. I chose this motor because the recovery in Geneseo can be particularly difficult. They tend to be very cautious on where you are allowed to point your rockets so flying high and landing a mile away is a bad idea in general there. The rocket did end up landing in the 10 foot tall corn, and I had set up the main to free-bag so the nose cone came down separately. Fortunately, I put a tracker on both sections of the rocket and both were relatively easily and quickly found. Thanks to those who did help recover the pieces!
The K675 provided an amazing launch. It was actually louder than a couple of White Thunder M's that flew that day. As an extra bonus, the dark and overcast conditions allowed the massive shower of sparks to appear even brighter and more dramatic.
I was able to get the whole flight on video through my phone. That video is found here:
Ground Video Whole Flight
One of the visitors to see my launch also got a nice ground video of the boost through apogee:
Ground Video 2
All of the picture credits go to the same visitor that took video #2 also. Thanks Bob!
I also attached my Mobius ActionCam HD to the forward tube, and that view is quite spectacular. I love how you can see the booster section and drogue harnessing get blown away at apogee. There is also a great shot of the north end of the field, which shows the muddy Genesee river snaking around.
Onboard Video