Looking into the nose cone. I started by pouring 1 oz. of West System's epoxy mixed with milled fiberglass. This will keep the sharp point of the nose cone from snapping off during landing.
This is the tube that will contain the tracking transmitter. I used the two forward centering rings to epoxy it permanently into place.
This is the back of the mounting centering ring. The one with the T-nuts is permanently mounted to the internal tube. The other one bolts to it with four 4-40 bolts.
This is what is looks like looking down into the nose cone.
This is what is looks like completely assembled. Bolting on the retainer assembly will seal in the tracking transmitter, as well as provide the nose cone retention eye bolt to attach the recovery harnessing to. I sized everything so that the end of the eye bolt is flush with the end of the nose cone shoulder, ensuring that is does not take up any extra space in the forward recovery tube (which will become very tight when assembled).
Now that the electronics bay and nose cone are done, all that is left for this rocket is the motor mount and fins.