Video: My Level 3 Certification Flight
I did also fly my Super Weasel for its first flight. I chose a G126 White Thunder motor. It was a perfect flight to approximately 1500 feet. Sorry there are no videos or pictures of that launch.
I also flew my Eclipse on the new J340 Metal Storm from Aerotech to 2528 feet for a nice launch. I had a video of that launch but it accidentally was deleted from the camera before an upload was possible.
I also did 2 flights with my Ariel. The first was an H112J to about 2000 feet. That flight landed just 50 feet from the pad it launched from. The second was on a Pro29 H123 Skidmark motor to about 1300 feet. That one landed in a large unclimbable (I tried and got nowhere) tree about 50 feet up. A video of that launch is here:
Video: My Ariel Lands in a Tree
I took a few pictures and videos of other people's launches. Here is Mike Dutch's I-Roc Extreme on a K motor:
Video: Dutch's I-Roc Extreme
Bill Clune launched a traffic cone on Monday. Here's a sideways video of how that flight went:
Video: Bill'sTraffic Cone Launch
The other level 3 certification flight went well also. It was Dan's flight to 9800 feet on a Pro75 Skidmark M1770 motor. The video was taken by Tom Binford:
Video: Dan's Level 3 Certification Flight
Here's Tom Binford's research full L motor in his upscale Goblin.
The Goblin on its way back from a nice flight to 5400 feet.
Debra Kolom's N research motor. Perfect flight to 12003 feet.
Debra's N3800: Video
Debra's N3800: Video
Matt and Kevin's AMRAAM on an Aerotech J350W made a nice flight.
That's all I have from the launch right now. I'm awaiting stills of the L3 liftoff. There were many more flights than what I have listed, including several L motors and other high power launches. The weather was perfect all weekend and brought a bigger crowd than usual.